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Pembahasan Contoh Soal Tes Seleksi Masuk Universitas 2013

Pembahasan Contoh Soal Tes Seleksi Masuk Universitas 2013

Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris SMPTN

D. Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

Directions : Questions 91-95 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see five words, phrases, or clauses marked A, B, C, D, or E. Choose the one word, phrase, or clause that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the answer you have choosen..

91. Le Mans is ... and has factories that produce automobiles,
aircraft, chemicals, textiles, and tobacco
a. a major market agriculturally
b. an agriculturally major market
c. a majority agricultural market
d. an agricultural major market
e. a major agricultural market

92. The French ... Marius Peptipa was responsible for building the classic ballet in Russia.
a. dancing and choreographer
b. dancing and choreography
c. dances and choreographs
d. dancer and choreographer
e. dancer and choreography

93. Shanghai ... on a flat coastal plain south of the mouth of the Yangtze River, on the tidal Whangpoo River nor far from the coast.
a. is locating
b. is located
c. is location
d. to be located
e. locates

94. Acute leukemias are usually fatal within a period … to one to two years.
a. ranging from a few weeks
b. which ranging from a few weeks
c. is ranging from a few weeks
d. which range from a few weeks
e. that ranging from a few weeks

95. It is not certain ... traffic congestion in Jakarta.
a. monorail systems could help ease when
b. when could monorail systems help ease
c. when monorail systems could help ease
d. when could help ease monorail systems
e. monorail systems could help ease when

Directions : Questions 96-100, each sentence has five underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts are marked A, B, C, D, or E. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the answer you have choosen.

96. Kentucky (a)have a well-(b)developed system of state (c)and federal highways (d)including interstate (e)roads and excellent state superhighways.

97. If (a)there is a characteristic that distinguishes a scientist (b)from other (c)scholars, it is (d)perhaps his (e)independent of mind.

98. (a)The change in direction of a ray (b)at a boundary (c)between different materials (d)are called refraction and can be (e)calculated precisely.

99. The head (a)of a sea horse is set (b)in right angle (c)to the body and has a tubular snout (d)that ends (e)in a suctorial mouth.

100. (a)Rubber trees usually are (b)ready for latex (c)produce when (d)they are about six or seven (e)years old.

Directions : Read each item carefully. Find the answer choice that could best be used in place of the underlined expression as it appears in the sentence.

101. Books and lectures may have value in answering specific questions and doubts. The word value in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. importance 
b. balance 
c. evidence
d. confidence
e. presence

102. In cities like Milan and Paris, each year brings a new mode and a new crop of artist. The word mode in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. technique
b. tendency
c. average
d. fashion
e. method

103. After the initial shock of her husband’s sudden death, she began to accept the situation. The word initial in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. distrubing
b. surprising 
c. astonishing
d. terrifying
e. beginning

104. The United States government supported the latest United Nations resolution and China abstained. The word resolution in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. explanation
b. speculation 
c. decision
d. prohibition
e. persuation

105. In most part of Indonesia, during the Lebaranpeople visit their relatives and forgive each other
for the bad deeds they have done. The word relatives in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. comparative point
b. family member
c. paternal relation
d.  infinite number
e.  gradable truth

106. In a total solar eclipse, the Moon covers the center of the Sun, leaving a bright ring of light
around the Moon. The word ring in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. jewel
b. arena 
c. circle
d. bell
b. finger

107. One publishing company was granted a government contract to multiply and distribute the examination materials. The word granted in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. refused 
b. given
c. ordered
d. directed
e. written

108. It is estimated that the number of farms has decreased by 70 per cent. The word estimated in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. measured 
b. evaluated
c. viewed
d. approximated
e. formulated

109. There is a close link between a rising rate of unemployment and a rising suicide rate. The word rate in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. form
b. estimate
c. distance
d. form
e. number

110. Tired of living in a big cities, many people live in the jungle, in a settlement by a river. The word settlement in this context is closest in meaning to …
a. residence
b. agreement
c. discussion
d. completion
e. discussion

Directions : in this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer A, B, C, D, or E to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.

Questions 111-118 refer to the following passage.
Solid state physics is largely concerned with crystals and electronics in crystals. The study of solid state physics began in the early years of the tweetieth century following the discovery of x-ray
diffraction by crystals and the publication of a series of simple calcutions and successful predicttions
of the properties of crystals. 

When a crystal grows in a constant environment, the form develops as identical building blocks are added continuously. The building blocks are atoms or groups of atoms, so that a crystal is a three-dimensional periodic array of atoms. This was known in the eighteenth century when mineralogists discovered that the index numbers of the directions of all faces of a crystal are exact integers. Only the arrangement of identical particles in a periodic array can account for the law of integral indices, as discussed below.

In 1912 a paper entitled “Interference effects of Rontgen rays” was presented to the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in Munich. In the first part of the paper, Laue developed an elementary
theory of the diffraction of x-rays by a periodic array. In the second part, Friedrich and Knipping
reported the first experimental observations of x-ray diffraction by crystals. The work proved
decisively that crystals are composed of a periodic array of atoms. With an atomic model
of crystal, physicists now could think much further. The studies have been extended to include
amorphous or noncrystalline solids, glasses, and liquids. The wider field is known as condensed
matter physics, and, as we’ll see soon, it is now the largest and probably the most vigorous area
of physics.

111. The text is discussing …
a. X-ray diffraction by crystals
b. the development of solid state physics
c. physicists in the twentieth century
d. historical development of physics
e. building blocks of crystal atoms

112. According to the writer of the text, solid state physics was motivated by …
a. the law of integral indices
b. studies of noncrystalline solids, glasses, and liquids
c. invention of Rontgen rays
d. the discovery of x-ray diffraction by crystals
e. an atomic model of crystal

113. It is understood from the text that crystals grow by …
a. X-ray diffraction
b. the addition of identical building blocks
c. a change in the environment
d. electronic processes within the crystal
e. the law of integral indices

114. The word this (line 9) refers to …
a. a crystal is a three-dimensional periodic array of atoms
b. a three-dimensional periodic array of atoms
c. periodic array of atoms
d. a group of atoms
e. a crystal

115. All of the following are descriptions of crystals, except ...
a. three-dimensional
b. periodic array of atoms
c. solids, glasses, or liquids
d. building blocks of atoms
e. x-rays interference effects

116. The work (line 17) refers to …
a. Bavarian Academy of Sciences
b. diffraction of x-rays by a periodic array
c. the paper presented in 1912
d. experimental observations of x-ray diffraction
e. idea of present-day physicists

117. According to the text, physicists now could do much in studying crystals thanks to …
a. the use of atom model
b. the wider field known as condensed matter physics
c. the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
d. studies on noncrystalline solids, glasses, and liquids
e. the largest and vigorous area of physics

118. The paragraph directly following this text would most probably be about …
a. the interference effects of Rontgen rays
b. more complex calculations of the properties of crystals
c. the law of integral indices
d. non-crystalline solids, glasses, and liquids
e. condensed matter physics

Questions 111-118 refer to the following passage.
Products layouts are often defined in terms of the time needed to change the setup of machinery and equipment used to produce the final product. Thus, a firm that makes concentrated orange juice can use one assembly line setup and run it for one, two, or three shifts everyday without changing the processes or machinery involved. Each unit of the product follows the same route through the production layout. Similary, an automobile assembly line that produces only one model of the current year’s car can use a product assembly line for the entire production period of that model. 

When a manufacturing or assembly operation deals with a single product or one product at a time, it is possible to minimize the unproductive movement of materials and products. All operations are arranged near each other, in sequence. Raw materials are received at the first work station, and finished products appear at the end of the line for shipping or storage. 

Process layouts involve shorter periods of time between changes of machinery or equipment. They are required by factories that produce different products at the same time. For example, a foundry may have current production orders for several products –such as steel grill products, horseshoes, and wheelbarrows- and all products may be going through the foundry at once. Each product may invove similar operations, but each also requires separate processes. Therefore, not all machines can be arranged in a continous-process line. The layout must position the proper number and kind of machines at different stations in the line to keep all work orders moving. At times, some machines may be idle for a period, and it may be necessary to wait at other work stations. 

Product and process layouts are often found in very large plants that manufacture many of the parts of subassemblies used in their final products. For example, manufactures of heavy machinery usually have their own machine shops, in which a process layout is needed. But their final assembly lines can use a product layout. Then, too, smaller factories may produce many units of a product, both for their own use and for sale to other firms. A foundry, for instance, may produce wheels for use on its own wheelbarrows as well as for sale to other firms for their products. This firm could have a product layout for the production of wheels, while its total operations may demand a process layout.

119. The text is mainly about …
a. machinery and equipment
b. manufacturing and marketing
c. products for own use and for other firms
d. raw materials and finished products
e. product and process layouts

120. In mentioning orange juice and automobile factories, the writer intends to show …
a. similar assembly line set up
b. different machinery and equipment
c. changing definitions of production layouts
d. difficulty in producing automobiles
e. time needed to change the set up of machinery

121. The word Thus (line 2) is used by the writer to express …
a. foods
b. heavy machinery
c. drinks
d. metal products
e. horses

122. A foundry is a place that produces …
a. the interference effects of Rontgen rays
b. more complex calculations of the properties of crystals
c. the law of integral indices
d. non-crystalline solids, glasses, and liquids
e. condensed matter physics

123. The word idle (line 11) is used in the text to mean …
a. not moving
b. not necessary
c.  not for sale
d. not working well
e. not waiting

124. According to the text, unproductive movement of materials and products can be minimized in …
a. the first work station of an assembly line
b. the line approaching shipping or storing
c. an assembly line dealing with one product
d. manufacturing dealing with raw materials
e. a factory producing many kinds of products

125. Information about he best arrangement of the number and kind of machinery in an assembly line to ensure the best work functioning can be found in lines …
a. 8-9
b. 17-19
c. 20-22
d. 26-28
e. 31-32

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